These license terms and conditions apply to the printable junk journals in our shop.
We advise you to download and save your files after purchasing digital downloads. Since the content on this website is regularly updated, changed or removed from time to time, at our discretion, we can’t guarantee that specific content will always be available on the site.
By purchasing any item(s) from our shop, you agree to our terms of use and service. All artworks and products in this shop are the intellectual property of Ash Stral, Phos Press LLC and protected by copyright law.
Basic Commercial License
Printables are for printed use only! However, you may resize the digital files to fit your projects.
YOU MAY print and use in unique, tangible craft projects for resale, but designs must be significantly altered and incorporated into a new creation.
You are allowed to create PRINTED AND ASSEMBLED CRAFT PROJECTS ONLY, that you may sell. Your final product for sale MUST BE YOUR UNIQUE CREATION THAT MAY USE THE KIT IN PRINTED FORM and NOT be sold in any way that competes with this shop. That is, the end product must have distinctive additions, for example, adding mixed media items such as buttons, fabric, decorations, your own artworks, etc. It must not just be a printed and assembled version of the kits or a combination of the multiple kits as they are.
DO NOT share, reproduce, modify, copy and sell or resell in any form, digital or print! For example, this also means you may not print it only to create collages of parts of the design, and then to scan and sell it. Each purchase is for one user only—no price splitting, swapping, or redistribution.
DO NOT just print, assemble & sell. DO NOT just alter slightly and sell. You must make it unique.
DO NOT reproduce, alter, or redistribute digitally (including files or digital collages) or use it to create your own digital designs.
DO NOT print and resell as-is, as kits, or in small craft items (stickers, cards, etc.).
DO NOT use for print-on-demand (POD) or sublimation items (t-shirts, mugs, etc.).
We do not issue refunds for digital products on this website, except at our discretion, or where required by relevant law.